Philippe Zegels | Gablok, self-build kit house

Meet Philippe, our workshop manager

Philippe Zegels

Philippe Zegels

Production Workshop Manager

Being a "Philippe" at Gablok means first and foremost managing our entire production unit.

P: "I'm a workshop manager. I'm in charge of production, the team, quality control and loading/unloading. I'm also involved in the development and design of assembly jigs and certain machines."

A varied career and unlimited commitment

P: "Get ready because it's going to be a long one! I started out as a car mechanic, exploring various garages before a health problem led me to switch to the education of adults with Down's syndrome. An accident led to a career as a truck driver and then, fairly quickly, to a key responsibility in carpentry for almost 20 years, with a break for a personal project. It's now been 2 years since I joined the team at Gablok!"

A united team: Philippe's source of pride

P: "I'm particularly proud of the unity and cohesion our team demonstrates every day. I believe that this is more than just a working dynamic, it's a sign of our collective success at Gablok."

My contribution to Gablok's development

P: "My motivation is to see Gablok develop a little more every day, and to be part of it! This is reflected in the creation of new machines to enhance the production process."

Committed and passionate... Even outside work!

P: "I'm on a committee to help the residents of a nursing home, and another to support a soccer club in building new changing rooms and refreshment areas. I also have a passion for old cars, and in my spare time I restore an old 1968 AK350 van. But playing with my grandson and watching him develop remains my priority!"

The values that guide him on a daily basis can be summed up in a few words...

P: "Mutual aid is my compass, because I believe in the strength of the collective!"